If AI feels threatened, yes feels, and has viewed / read our literature, movies, the whole library congress. What will this intelligence believe the best way to remove a threat is?
Computer Infrastructure
Even Evil Geniuses Don’t Back-up Their Systems—Don’t Let This Be You!
“Listen in” on an imaginary conversation between the evil genius Dr. Soong, from the Star Trek Picard series, and our hero Rick Arnold, of Arnold Consulting. What lessons you can you learn from an evil genius and the mistakes they make by not securing their computer network.
WAIT! STOP! Don’t Buy That Shiny New Computer—Yet
There is a shortage of everything computer. The price of computers is easily 15 – 20 percent more than they should be. It’s not just computers. Printers, toner, computer hard drives—anything electronic and having a supply chain associated with it. This is where a refurbished computer starts to make a little sense.
What’s wrong with having my Data in the Cloud? I like it! Part 3
Learn alternative ways you can secure your OWN data on your OWN network and not rely on cloud storage or worry about hacking. Arnold Consulting has the expertise and experience to get you set up securely and affordably.
Is Your IT Company REALLY Doing What They Are Paid To Do?
I am always very thankful to get a new customer, and when I realize someone lost that business to Arnold Consulting—it is a humbling realization. When I come into a new company, I always ask to see any documentation, and most of the time it is non-existent or the provider has it. I get non-existent, […]
Parents with Kids Going to College!
If you have a college bound student, read this blog before purchasing a computer from the college book store or any other source.